Madeleine Dugger Andrews Middle School

Medford, MA

The 17-year old EPDM roof system at the Madeleine Dugger Andrews Middle School was experiencing isolated leaks and age-related deterioration. While the City of Medford was preparing to install a roof mounted solar power system they decided to recoat the existing roof material with a reinforced fluid applied roof membrane to extend the life of the roof.

Prior to the roof installation, an infrared survey was performed to identify areas of wet insulation to be removed and replaced. Choosing the fluid applied roof system allowed for a sustainable approach to reuse the existing dry insulation and sheet metal flashings, resulting in a significant cost savings over traditional roof replacement that would have completely removed the existing roof system down to the structural deck.

GRLA prepared construction documents, coordinated the public bidding process, and provided construction administration services, while keeping the project on time and within budget.

Photography by: Prime Aerial Photography